premierED 5/1, 9pm et
Abridged version of show avail to watch on youtube
It's been a tough year for Asians in America. Help stop hate against Asians by celebrating them and getting educated. Kick off AAPI Month and CAPA's 42nd annual Asian Pacific American Heritage Festival with AAPI history-related comedy by your fave comedy team Model Majority. Asian Americans helped build, and are very much a part of, America and Model Majority will "teach" you about some of these historical figures and moments since the U.S. school system failed you. This will be an epic-sized and history-making event full of laughs.
Our show is kicking off the Coalition of Asian Pacific Americans (CAPA)'s 42nd Annual APA Heritage Festival.
CAPA is a New York-based advocacy organization dedicated to addressing the community needs of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. CAPA’s main goal is to build partnerships with community, social and non-profit organizations to reach new audiences. Their annual APA Heritage Festival is one of the oldest and largest in the US.
Free to watch but donations suggested for Asian Mental Health Collective because
after this year we all could use some mental health help.
Executive Producer/Head Writer: Veronica Dang
Executive Producer: Horacio Gutierrez
Sound Designer: Judith Moy
Video Editing: Kevin Chew
Carol Lee
Veronica Dang
Graphics: Carol Lee
Monica Villa
Model Majority Sketches
Asian American American Girl Doll
Written by Betsy Abraham
Directed by Veronica Dang
Cast: Kevin Chew, Veronica Dang, Carol Lee,
Viet Vo
Written by Andy Jiang & Veronica Dang
Directed by Kevin Chew, Veronica Dang
Cast: Randy Ta, Veronica Dang, Carol Lee
Bad Old Days
Written by Betsy Abraham
Directed by Veronica Dang
Cast: Alex Chester, Ellen Ko, Julie Tran, Kevin Chew
Diver's Guide to Poolside Safety
Written by Monica Villa
Directed by Veronica Dang, Carol Lee
Cast: Monica Villa; Special guests Chris Stewart & Zack Watson
Great Moments in Filipino History: Ewoks
Written by Erick Esteban
Directed by Kevin Chew, Veronica Dang
Cast: Ariel Estrada, Jeremy Rafal
History of Benihana
Written by Theo Park
Directed by Kevin Chew
Cast: Ellen Ko, Viet Vo
Remembering Linsanity
Written & Directed by Kevin Chew
Cast: Kevin Chew; Special Guests Sienna & Skylar Chew​
Spice Awards
Written by Julie Tran
Directed by Veronica Dang, Kevin Chew
Cast: Veronica Dang, Carol Lee, Julie Tran, Viktoria I.V. King, Alex Chester
The Queen (Queen Lili'uokalani)
Written by Lindsay Burton
Directed by Veronica Dang
Cast: Lindsay Burton, Rob Chen, Alex Chester
TurboVax Daddy
Written & Directed by Veronica Dang
Cast: Rob Chen
We Got Options
Written by Viktoria I.V. King
Directed by Kevin Chew
Cast: Viktoria I.V. King, Jeremy Rafal
Who Founded It
Written by Betsy Abraham
Directed by Kevin Chew
Cast: Ariel Estrada, Carol Lee, Erick Esteban, Monica Villa
WHOAH by Keanu
Written by Kevin Chew
Directed by Carol Lee
Cast: Kevin Chew
Stock images from Pexels, Pixabay, Unsplash
Stock music from & Pixabay